Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Photo of Hermanas Whitmer & Yungfleisch in the mission office

Sent by the senior missionary fleet coordinator for the mission when Hermanas Whitmer and Yungfleisch visited the mission office on P-day.

Zika in Houston?

We have not been counseled to wear pants but I talked to Hermana Hall about it and she said that we are now allowed to wear maxi skirts. I'm not sure I want to because it is so hot but I will be better about wearing my mosquito repellent because I already have quite a few bites. (Ooops, I just scratched one). I haven't swollen up very badly yet and I'm generally pretty good about not scratching.

I will be better about taking pictures. I'll ask if we can take a district photo on Wednesday when we have district meeting and send it next week.

I absolutely love the pineapple necklace and the Iron Rod necklace. I think it's funny that I've got you looking for jewelry for me. How was Oregon? Funny thing about the Pineapples and psych, my companion is just as in love with them as I am. I'll take a picture the next time I wear them.

Sorry, I should have explained that a little better. Perdon a me. I was talking to the SSTL (Senior Sister Training Leader) and another one of the STLs (Sister Paiz, Hermana Asplund's companion) this week and they said that it would be fine for me to have my flute here in the mission. I am going to make sure with President today when I have an interview with him (nothing to worry about, Hermana Whitmer wanted to meet with him so I decided that I would too) but I am 99% sure that he will say yes. Then, if you could send me one of my flute books that has hymns in it that would be great (maybe have mom make the choice of which one to send me). There is a piano book that I have titled "Hymns", it has a brownish cover and is spiral bound. If you could find that it would be great. I was just thinking that it might be nice to have for prelude music at baptisms or such.

Le amo mucho,
su hija

In separate email, in response to news that Sister Heufner had come to Gilbert to see Pres. Nattress:
Huefy!!!! I miss her so much! I hope you all gave her hugs for me.​

In a separate email, responding to questions about the weather in Houston:
I'm handling it ok...it's getting hot but not as hot as where Elder Mitchell's at so I'm grateful. Yes the repellent works but I need to use it more. I don't like the feeling of it on my skin but too bad. I got my second blister yesterday. I've used the rain shoes a few times. I've mostly used my leather shoes in the rain because it comes up really fast and then blows through and I never know when I should wear them.

Monday, May 23, 2016

"I love the church people" We Got Service! We Want One! Exchanges

Hola familia y mis amigos!

This week was tough but so good in the end. On Monday, we were supposed to have a Family Home Evening or Noche de Hogar  with the Gonzalez family but it had to be canceled because their daughter was sick and their niece was having her baby and they needed to watch her other little girl while she was at the hospital. Thankfully we have rescheduled this fun night for this Wednesday. It might be a little crowded because it will be the five of them, Hermana Whitmer and I, Hermano Salomon, the Rodriguez family, and maybe even Bishop. I hope the Rodriguez home will be big enough to hold us all. I'm really excited though because without even asking the Gonzalez Family if we could come visit them another time this week, the dad, Fortunado asked if we could come by Friday night. I love their family. They are so sweet.

Also on Monday, Hermana Whitmer lost her name tag. We were super worried because losing our name tags is kind of like losing a piece of our heart. Name tags have a lot of sentimental value for us. We searched around the area where we first realized that it was missing but we didn't have time to retrace our steps of the day and so we prayed that we would be able to find it the next day. On Tuesday, we stopped by to see one of the people we had seen the night before and right before we got out of the car we prayed that we would be able to find Hermana Whitmer's name tag. I opened my door and looked out into the street. I saw something shiny and black in the middle of the street. IT WAS HER TAG! I know that Heavenly Father answers prayers. Sometimes not in the way we expect, at the time we want or even the way we want but he will answer our prayers. Heavenly Father loves us and wants what is best for us because we are His children and he has a plan for us.

On Wednesday, we had exchanges. Last Thursday and Friday, Hermana Asplund and I were reunited during exchanges while Hermana Whitmer was with the companion of Hermana Asplund. This week I got to be with her companion, Hermana Paiz. Hermana Paiz is absolutely amazing. It's crazy, she and I both like a lot of the same things. She is from Guatemala but has been living here in the US for most of her life. She an amazing testimony and love for the gospel. I was able to learn so much from her.

On Friday, we helped a cute, older couple from our Ward move into their new home. They are both converts and have such strong testimonies of the Gospel and how it can change lives. We were able to take her with us on a few teaching appointments and she took over in a few of our lessons and practically taught for us. Every chance she got, she invited those we taught to make changes in their lives and to come closer to Christ and by doing so come closer to our Heavenly Father.

On Sunday, we were able to listen to Stake Conference which was so great because one of the Less Active members in our ward that we've been working with a lot came to listen to it. One of the Young Women from our Ward spoke at Stake Conference. She did a great job and shared her testimony of Family History. Later that afternoon, we were able to take another one of the Young Women out with us to see a few people. She's excited to one day serve a mission like her older sister and she wants to come serve a mini mission with us this summer. We challenged her to read the Book of Mormon from cover to cover this summer and I am excited to see how that goes for her.

I hope that all of you are doing well. I am so grateful to all of you and I challenge you this week to read the scriptures and pray each day because I know that as you do that, as you put Heavenly Father first in your lives, that he will pour out his blessings upon you. He loves you very much and wants you to succeed.

All my love,
Hermana Yungfleisch

Hermana Yungfleisch
Texas Houston South Mission


I had some struggles this week. My first time taking over the area I found a potential investigator that I could easily picture in Baptismal white and I was proud of myself for being able to find someone to teach. We met with him once, like a week ago. It wasn't the best lesson because he likes to talk a lot and he kept getting side tracked but I thought he was progressing and wanted to know more. Sadly, on Friday we texted to confirm our appointment with him and he said yes but that he needed to return our "Mormon Bible" to us. It hurt my heart a little and I tried to prepare myself for the appointment but it didn't go as well as I thought that it would. We took a sweet older woman from our ward with us, Hermana Cisneros. While she was bearing her testimony to him he was kind of laughing at her and at us...it was really uncomfortable.

Monday, May 16, 2016

See Yourself In The Temple! They Came To Church!!!

Hola mi familia y mis amigos!

This week has been insane but absolutely amazing! Our trip to the temple was great. The Houston Temple is gorgeous and I felt such amazing peace there. As I walked through the doors into that sacred temple, all the stress that I had been feeling drained away and I knew that I was where I needed to be. Hermana Santillan is great. She spent so much time with us to make it possible for us to attend the temple on Tuesday. I am so grateful for the members of our Ward who have such strong testimonies of the gospel and are always so willing to help us.

On Monday we taught a sweet couple. Their names are Fortunado and Norma. He loves to talk a lot and they have been so prepared to hear this message. La familia Rodriguez accompanied us to this lesson and bore their testimonies about how the gospel has blessed their lives. Hermana Rodriguez practically said that they needed to listen to us so that they could come closer to their Heavenly Father. I love Hermana Rodriguez, she is so sweet. We returned for a second lesson on Wednesday. We taught them about the Restoration of the Gospel and invited them to go with the Rodriguez family to church on Sunday. It was such a powerful lesson! I felt the Spirit so strongly during the lesson.
THEY CAME TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY! They stayed for all three hours and even participated in their classes. They said that they really enjoyed it and want to come again. Tonight we will be having a Family Home Evening with them and the Rodriguez family. I hope that it all goes well.

Have an amazing week!

Hermana Yungfleisch

Hermana Yungfleisch
Texas Houston South Mission

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Great week of training and finding!!!

Hola! Somos las hermanas misioneras en esta área! Misioneras de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Ultimos Dias! ¿Ha hablado con los misioneros antes? ( Hi! We are the Sister Missionaries in this area. Missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Have you talked with missionaries before?) These are probably the most used words and phrases of my mission so far.

Hermana Whitmer and I changed our P-day to Tuesday this week so that we could go to the Temple today. I will make sure to send lots of pictures of us at the temple next week. Fun fact: In the October General Conference of 1997, the year I was born, the Houston Texas Temple was announced.

On Thursday, we had a special training on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It was so amazing. It was a great reminder of the message that we share and why we should work so diligently to share it because it is centered on Jesus Christ and his ministry on the earth. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer and that he suffered and died for us so that we can return to live with our Heavenly Father once more. I know that after three days, he did rise from the dead and he lives today. I invite you to go and watch the amazing video produced by the Church titled, He Lives. You can find it on Youtube. It is powerful!

We found three new people to teach this week! Fortunado, Norma, and Joel. We found Fortunado and Norma by contacting people that were referred to us. They are a very sweet couple who want to find the truth. They have attended many different churches but haven't felt that any of them contain the full truth found in the Bible. We had a lesson with them last night and we brought with us the Rodriguez family. They are one of my favorite families in our ward. They love to go and teach with us and they have such strong testimonies of the gospel that they want to share with everyone. Hermana Rodriguez is like a second mom right now for me and she and her husband actually remind me a lot of my parents. I will make sure to send a picture of them next week.

On Friday, when Hermana Whitmer was at MLC a special missionary meeting for Sister Trainer Leaders, District Leaders, Zone Leaders, etc., I had the opportunity to take over our area! AHHHH! Let's just say that I was a little scared, especially because my companion for the day was Sister Gilespie, and she isn't a Spanish speaking missionary. In other words, the Spanish was all up to me and my limited language skills. I learned or rather, was reminded that when we act in faith, trusting that the things we are doing are the will of God and we follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost, everything will work out. As it says in Moroni 7:33, "If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me." This is so true. When one of our appointments fell through, we decided to go street contacting with the plan to also try contacting the potential investigators that lived on that street. My Spanish was broken and there weren't a lot of people outside but amazingly these things didn't matter. We met a man named Joel who was very surprised when I told him that I had only been learning Spanish for 9 weeks. Surprisingly in addition to speaking Spanish natively he speaks very good English. So Hermana Gilespie could contribute to the conversation and help me to teach him. We taught him a little about Christ's ministry on the earth and we gave him a Restoration pamphlet and set up a return appointment. I know that we receive blessings and see miracles when we act in faith.

I got to Skype with my family this Sunday which was absolutely amazing! It was a great reminder of why I am here on my mission, sharing the gospel and helping others to come unto Christ. Because I have seen how much this gospel has blessed my life and my family and I want to bring that same happiness to others.

Have a good week!

Hermana Yungfleisch

Pic 1: Map of my area
Pic 2: Street sign that we pass each day as we drive to our area! I think it's perfect since we are trying to be a light to the world. (3 Nephi 12:14-16 and 3 Nephi 15:12)

Hermana Yungfleisch
Texas Houston South Mission

Monday, May 2, 2016

Did we just get asked out on dates?!

This week has been so great!

After District meeting this week Hermana Whitmer and I went on exchanges because she is a Sister Training Leader. I went to the Brazos area in Rosenberg and served with Hermana Ramos, a sister missionary from Mexico who serves in the Temple Square Mission in Salt Lake City (every few months they go and serve in other missions to get different mission experience). We had an amazing time. We taught several lessons. And I really got to practice my Spanish.

On Thursday as we were waiting for one of our investigators to answer their door we were approached by two young men that were probably about 20 or so years old. They asked what we were reading and then said that they wanted to ask us out because we were so beautiful. That will be the first time I have ever been asked out while on my mission but according to my trainer, it won't be the last.

This Sunday, we did a Ward Fast for missionary work in our area. I am excited to see all of the blessings and miracles that come from it. The work is progressing so quickly here. This past week we found 3 new investigators - Adrian, Silvino, and George. I am so excited to continue teaching them.

I'm so sorry I can't say more this week. My time is short today.

My invitation for you all this week is to be an example of Jesus Christ at all times.

I love you all and I hope you are all doing well. Have a great week and know that I am praying for all of you.

Lots of love,
Hermana Yungfleisch

Hermana Yungfleisch
Texas Houston South Mission